Call for livetweeters

1 minute read

Livetweeting of ACL conferences has become increasingly popular the last couple years. Individual attendees summarize the talks they attend on Twitter, which has seen some positive feedback from the community. Livetweeting helps include both our colleagues who can’t attend specific conferences and also attendees who are in a different parallel session.

This year at NAACL, based on responses to our preliminary survey from a few months ago, we’re asking for volunteers who are willing to livetweet talks. Coordinating community livetweeting efforts will help more papers be covered and reduce redundancy. Volunteers will be assigned a few presentation sessions to attend and livetweet.

We’re still working on getting (token) material compensation for our volunteers, as well as improved Wireless services. We’ll keep you posted on this as the conference approaches. You can expect, if you wish, to be credited on the various scheduling platforms, boosted by our Twitter user, and get a shout-out from the session chair.

Never done any livetweeting before? No problem! We’ll be running a short tutorial to help you get started, in the days leading up to the conference. It will be based on this guide.

Interested in volunteering to help live tweet talks? Sign up here!